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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Power. communication series

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Communication with polyethylene(PE)porous tube, straight tube


Products: Power. communication series

Product Type: WLDL-5


PE jacket pipe uses polyethylene resin as the main raw material, and is produced by extrusion molding way and adding appropriate additives, which has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, impact resistance, aging resistance, high strength, easy bending and easy construction etc. It can be widely used for the jacket pipeline system of outdoor communication cable and optical fiber cable, including transmission pipelines, feeder pipelines, the special network wiring pipes and the special long-distance communication pipelines. As it has the strong suitability, it can adapt to various cables and wires...
Product Details

PE jacket pipe uses polyethylene resin as the main raw material, and is produced by extrusion molding way and adding appropriate additives, which has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, impact resistance, aging resistance, high strength, easy bending and easy construction etc. It can be widely used for the jacket pipeline system of outdoor communication cable and optical fiber cable, including transmission pipelines, feeder pipelines, the special network wiring pipes and the special long-distance communication pipelines. As it has the strong suitability, it can adapt to various cables and wires.



1. Corrosion resistant and good insulation. 

2.  Good separation between holes and easy threading. 

3.  Close arrangement between each hole and high utilization rate of communication holes. 

4. Multi-hole in one pipe, easy construction and low engineering cost.

5. Integrated product structure, high strength and long service life. 

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