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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F




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The birth of positive energy to achieve goals

Source:release time:{2016-05-18} Click: new Hits("13").GetNewsHits()

May 16, 2016 morning, VeryLong held a signing ceremony of senior management responsibilities in a warm atmosphere. Chairman Fan Xuelian, executive vice president Chen Li, vice president who is in charge of various departments, each department manager and vice managers, nearly 30 people, attended the signing ceremony.
VeryLong serve the community and meet the needs of government development planning, making scientific research and development and product innovation as the leading high-tech enterprises. VeryLong obtained 31 patents for inventions and utility model patents, successfully participated in the main Olympic stadium, the Olympic plane House, Shanghai Disneyland, Shanghai and other large commercial aircraft brand project. In recent years, VeryLong implemented the Fan’s total decisions and carried out corporate restructuring, which focued on the goals change and urban secondary water pipe gallery, sponges, urban construction, a series of high-tech innovation and product development, to enable enterprises to maximize the potential of to enable enterprises to continue to accelerate the pace of development. Among them, the large-diameter pipe trenchless JPCCP solution to the soft ground anti-settling anti-leakage, corrosion resistance, high internal and external pressure and other problems, the successful application of Jiangsu, Hunan and other places of national engineering and Shanghai Huangpu River Water Project Min Bong Extension project. In the reformation of the secondary water, VeryLong invented the PE liner pool liner as the main tank, including pipes, water meters, pumps, valves and cold insulation protective sleeve protective material and intelligent water quality monitoring, operation and maintenance, cleaning and maintenance and other innovative content integration products and service system, to be fully affirmed the majority of public praise and municipal water departments. 
In order to grasp the opportunity to move forward, VeryLong deided to sign responsibility paper with executives from various departments to carry out the assessment tasks, as the birth of positive energy, mobilize the enthusiasm of incentives, and strive to building a cohesive enterprise collaborative best, the best overall business, and to make the company compliance with the conditions gradually listing requirements.
Consultant Wu Leping, firstly, stated the purpose, meaning and contents of signing responsibility paper signed by executives. Members of VeryLong executives made a statement about completing work indicators, determination and measures to promote the development of the company statements made warm.
With the waves of warm applause, Fan, respectively together with chief engineer in charge of the technical department, business unit, vice president of Engineering Department Deputy signed the 2016 target assessment responsibility paper and took photos.
Subsequently, Fan made important instructions for future work. She noted that the main task of the company this year, including three blocks: one secondary water supply fully started in June, and we must strive to do the PE tanks lined pond renovation water quality monitoring and cold insulation and casing materials, operations maintenance of the promotion and application integration services, making full bloom, forming a pattern; the second is to promote the application JPCCP pipe from the water supply to sewage drainage development, from the Shanghai area to national development; third is in the city sponges, utility tunnel construction and light-cured pipeline repair aspects of the pre-start with the design institute, the new co-owner, early intervention design,  program development and standard-setting work.
Finally, Fan encouraged everyone to work together corporately and to get good grades in taking potential, excellent technique aspects, to make the water environment company set up to be a backbone of a listed company, and to get win-win with employees, customers and society.

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