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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Operating characteristics

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Business characteristics

One-stop operation and incorporate service

VeryLong focus on the international development trends and adheres to the spirit of “concept’s innovation outweighs product’s innovation”. The pioneering business model “one-stop operation and incorporate service” created by VeryLong, is high recognized in markets.  

Characteristics contents   VeryLong, taking the business consulting as a leading, provide clients with systematic and all-round quality service with a whole process from the project pre-planning, product design, construction installation, and product supply to after-sale running and maintenance. The concrete contents includes project planning, investment advisory, pipeline layout and scheme optimization, the technical solution and pipe material selection, product customization, product integration, design consulting, pipeline installation, after-sales maintenance, pipeline inspection, operation and maintenance, etc. and really shorten the project cycle, improve the engineering quality, lower the project costs, pursue the scientific, environmental, energy-saving and efficient project design and construction, so as to achieve the purpose of win-win with customers.   

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