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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Leader speech

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Under the business concept of “Serve for the customers and projects wholeheartedly”, VeryLong always makes its development of pipe technology, design and manufacturing focus on the municipal pipeline’s needs and fulfilling the mission of “water, makes a better life”. Very long’s sales and service adopt the model of  “one-stop operating and incorporate service” which reflect well on the VeryLong’s goal that customers first, full-service to make them enjoy the high quality, prompt and reliable service during the process from project’s determination, design, completion to operation.

In the last decades, VeryLong participated in some important projects, including Beijing Olympics stadium Birds Nest, Shanghai Expo “Four Pavilions”, Shanghai Comericial Aircraft Base  , Shanghai Disney and Shanghai center. With these excellent works, VeryLong casts its own brand. In the ten years, we invested and built production bases in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, etc. Our technical, management and service team make Shanghai as a center and adopt “point-to-point” production; sale and service in the wide range of the Southwest and North China which makes the business model fulfill the cross from a single production and sale to the group management. The success of VeryLong is the success of innovation of management idea. The development of VeryLong relies on the development of water utilities and municipal engineering construction. This honor belongs to every member of VeryLong.

“Insuperable as the strong pass seems, we are surmounting it now with great strides.” Our faith is “Go and beyond yourselves”. The mission, ideal and innovation give VeryLong power to advance. Strengthening and expanding new building materials industry, and constantly improving the quality of life, are our eternal goals. I will be with all staff and spare no efforts to realize the Chinese Dream and VeryLong Dream

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