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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



VeryLong Group

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VeryLong Group

A new high-tech enterprise provides municipal pipeline project with the systematic and all-round quality service, including a whole process from pre-planning, product design, construction installation, product supply to the later operation and maintenance.



Under VeryLong Group there are:

Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai VeryLong Electric Co. Ltd

Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Engineering and Technology Consulting Co. Ltd

Shanghai VeryLong Construction Engineering Co. Ltd 

Shanghai VeryLong Environmental Protection Materials Co. Ltd 

VeryLong group was founded in 2001 and its headquarters is located in Putuo District, Shanghai City. It is a new high-tech enterprise that provides municipal pipeline project with the systematic and all-round quality service, including a whole process from pre-planning, product design, construction installation, product supply to the later operation and maintenance. Focusing on the international development trends and adhering to the spirit of “the concept’s innovation outweighs the product’s innovation”, VeryLong invested and managed some production bases in Shanghai, Jiangyin and zhangjiagang, in Jiangsu, Wuxi, in Jiangsu etc. 

With its own advantages and the pioneering business model “one-stop operation and incorporate service”, VeryLong gained a high prestige in the pipeline industry, had a first-class team of senior experts and a technical and development team in the domestic and foreign, gained some invention utility model patents, and made a university-industry cooperation with Shanghai University, Tongji University etc. VeryLong contracted and participated in several large domestic brands engineering that made it become one of the enterprises who participated in a great many brand’s projects.

VeryLong adheres to the path of independent innovation, the development of science and technology and the strategy of win-win. What’s more, goes for perfect and never delays. Through the idea innovation, product innovation, service innovation, VeryLong continuously exceeds the customer’s expectations and fulfills the long-term strategic goals and social values.

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