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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Talents Training

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    Thank you for your attention to VeryLong Group!

    Before applying for a position, please read the application instructions carefully:

    Guidelines for Applicant

    1. Before applying for a position, please read the recruitment of job descriptions, working place and requirements;

    2. All personal data submitted by the applicant must be true and correct. If there is any false information, the applicant will be disqualified from application.

    3. Please submit your resume before application time, after the time limit to delivery resume will be incorporated into the company's talent division;

    4. Applicants, please sending the detailed resume to

    5. Contacts: Miss Ding   Consulting Number: 021-62996470 to 828

    Interview Notice:

    After receiving our interview message, please bring the following materials:
    1. A resume;;
    2. Id card, employee's card, qualification, degree and position (hold) industry qualifications, professional technical position qualifications certificate copies, one copy each of them.
    3. Photos of one inch color.
    The applicant should be responsible for the authenticity of submitted materials. Any fraud, once verified, will be disqualified from the interview.
    The above information is no longer return.

    Matters attention:

    After received entry notice sent by company, please prepare the following personal materials to human resource department before you come to orientation:

    1, education certificate, id, title certificate original and photocopy;

    2, labor manual, resignation certificate with the original unit;

    3, the health certificate within three months;

    4 (salary), China construction bank, bank credit CARDS;

    5, 5 one inch bareheaded photos.

    The applicant should be responsible for the authenticity of submitted materials. Any fraud, once found, will be canceled the employment qualification.

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