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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F




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Good news VeryLong won the title of Shangha five-star faithful construction enterpris

Source:release time:{2016-03-30} Click: new Hits("14").GetNewsHits()

Taking people's needs as their responsibility, wholehearted service for customers services for the project, Shanghai VeryLong innovated and invented the jacking construction by using large diameter concrete cylinder pipe (JPCCP), modular polyethylene tanks (pool) liner, insulation protection casing and other products in Shanghai major water projects in the successful application of the grand blueprint for the transformation of secondary water supply facilities painted on a thick stroke. VeryLong adheres to independent innovation, science and technology development road, adheres to the people-oriented, business integrity, win-win situation with customers, adheres to constantly exceed customer expectations, to achieve the long-term goal, to make people's lives better and make business better tomorrow. 
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