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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

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Anti - UV polymer alloy material cases

Source:release time:{2016-02-02} Click: new Hits("15").GetNewsHits()

Influenced by the extreme cold-wave, the city water supply network is facing severe tests and the city has large number of frozen water tanks, leaking pipes and cracking water meter, thus the water for some residents have been seriously affected by the cold-wave.

  New residential secondary water supply facilities for new Qingpu district, Wanshou district 1, Wanshou district. 3, west garden 2, and sports village, etc are improving. The choice of independent research and development of VeryLong Anti-UV protective sleeve polymer alloy products, not seen for decades, the attack occurred in the cold, were not affected by the cold, pipeline safety intact, to withstand the test of cold, to ensure the normal water inhabitants, and get the residents' high praise.

    Polymer alloy Anti-UV protective sleeve researched and developed by VeryLong has excellent outdoor weathering capabilities in the cold ambient heat conditions, impact resistance and other physical properties are almost constant, and have exceptional durability. This product is a national initiative, leading technology which has the characteristics of reasonable structure, flexible configuration, easy to install, easy to maintain. It is another major technological innovation breakthrough in the transformation of secondary water supply facilities, and produced a number of invention patents and utility model patents. Products are detected by the state and a number of authorities in Shanghai, and its mechanical properties, flame retardant properties, corrosion resistance and anti-aging weathering performance indicators meet or exceed the target requirements. 

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