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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Power. communication series

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(PVC-U)porous pipe, honeycomb tube


Products: Power. communication series

Product Type: WLDL-4


Hard polyvinyl chloride multi-hole square pipes and the honeycomb pipes of the underground communication use the polyvinyl chloride(PVC) resin as the main raw materials. This new cable jacket pipe is produced through blend extrusion molding with the advanced combination formula, which is suitable for communication cable laying, orientation, isolation and protection. The product uses the structure of porous body, has the advantages of compact structure, uniform stress, high compressive strength, high pipe hole utilization ratio, small pipe occupation, low construction cost, high work efficiency and convenient installation etc., which is widely used in the optical fiber communication, cable TV, multimedia transmission and so on... 
Product Details

Hard polyvinyl chloride multi-hole square pipes and the honeycomb pipes of the underground communication use the polyvinyl chloride(PVC) resin as the main raw materials. This new cable jacket pipe is produced through blend extrusion molding with the advanced combination formula, which is suitable for communication cable laying, orientation, isolation and protection. The product uses the structure of porous body, has the advantages of compact structure, uniform stress, high compressive strength, high pipe hole utilization ratio, small pipe occupation, low construction cost, high work efficiency and convenient installation etc., which is widely used in the optical fiber communication, cable TV, multimedia transmission and so on.



1. Smooth inner surface, small friction coefficient. Easy cable leading and construction. 

2. Good resistance to pressure, impact, aging, corrosion, voltage and insulation performance. 

3. The structure design makes full use of physical mechanics principles, which can dissipate stress and improve the product performance of pressure and impact resistance.

4. Multiple holes, space efficient, increase the tube holes’ utilization rate, reduce the ground excavation. 

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