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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F




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VeryLong Pipe Won “Shanghai Famous Brand” Honorary Title

Source:release time:{2015-12-31} Click: new Hits("16").GetNewsHits()

Shanghai Famous Brand Recommendation Committee announced the list of Shanghai brand at the last day of 2015.The innovative product pipeline of VeryLong Group was in the list again.
VeryLong Group is a high-tech enterprise which provides serial, systematic and all-round quality service from up-front planning, product design, construction installation, product supply to after-sale maintenance for municipal pipeline project. And it has a domestic first-class senior expert’s team and R&D team, and achieved a number of invention patents and 20 utility model patents; the contract has a number of large domestic brand works. VeryLong Pipe made insight into international development trends, upheld the spirit of "the concept of innovation is more important than product innovation", and first created "one-stop management, integrated services" model in domestic, it has been highly recognized by the market.
Taking advantage of the time when it get the Shanghai famous brand, VeryLong Group determind to strengthen the R & D center, bring innovative products and innovative services to the whole country, so as to make people's lives better and make new dedication!

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