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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Notes for Applicants

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    VeryLong attaches great importance to the growth and development of employees and pays attention to the play of individual potential talents, career planning for the improvement of personal qualities, the improvement of the quality of life and the realization of personal value. VeryLong treats employees as main power of company’s development, and also holds the view that the implementation of staff’s career planning is based on personal struggle. VeryLong encourages employees to stand in the angle of the company to consider planning, which can be internalized to the power of the development to staff, and encourages employees virtually grow up together with the company.
    Company provides training and development opportunities for staff, to help them maximize the business potential. To Study and promotion opportunities, company also provides new staff some trainings, including induction training, internal training, management courses, professional job skills training, etc. 

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