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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Production base

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Jiangyin pipeline production base is located in the Yangzi River bank, Huaxi villagethe which is known as “the first village in the world”. It is about 156KM away from Shanghai. The company is founded in 2000, covering about 33 acres, equipped with more than 20 most advanced production lines, 100 various types of equipment and testing instruments, and has more than 80,000 tons annual output of various pipelines. It is the only one of large new high-tech enterprise who provides municipal pipeline project with the systematic and all-round quality service, including a whole process from research, production, sale and installation. Its products have been all over the whole country, and even exported to Hong Kong, Japan, the United States, the Middle East and Southeast Asia countries, such as Vietnam, Singapore and won the customers’ trust and support.

Wuxi production base is located in Xishan Economic Development Zone, in the beautiful city of Wuxi which is about 155km away from Shanghai. It is founded in 1994, covering 50,000. The company’s registered capital is 45 million yuan, with a total investment of 130 million yuan. It firstly introduced the famous American PCCP pipe AMERON enterprises, a full set of production technology and key equipment in China, mastered the PCCP pipe production and application of the core technology, established a perfect quality management system, won more than 10 patent certificates, had many national patents and won the title of "high-tech enterprise".

Zhangjiagang production base is located in Hexing industrial park, Jinfeng town, and about 130km away from Shanghai. The company registered capital is about 50.09 million yuan and equipped the most advanced Austria Cincinnati HDPE gas, water supply pipe production line and full computer control of large diameter hollow wall plastic drainage pipe production line, adopts the European advanced manufacturing technique and technology and specializing in the production of diverse pressure grade of gas pipe, water pipe, etc. What’s more, it adopted South Korea advanced production technology and production of HDPE hollow wall winding pipe, pipe fittings of stainless steel fully enclosed joints, and won the national patent. As the same time, the company introduced the advanced technique and production technology, launched in municipal and building drainage with plastic inspection Wells, after years of research and development, continuous improvement, and got more than 60 national patents, of which five national invention patent. Annual production capacity is about 500,000 sets and its scale ranks first in the country. 

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