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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Power. communication series

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FRP power cable protective tube


Products: Power. communication series

Product Type: WLDL-1


Glass fiber reinforced plastic cable protection tube is a new type of composite material pipe using the unsaturated polyester resin as matrix and glass fiber fabric as reinforcement material. It is produced through controlling the winding or pultrusion process. It overcomes the shortages of steel, iron, PVC, PE, concrete and asbestos pipes, so it can be served as a new replacement product.... 
Product Details

Glass fiber reinforced plastic cable protection tube is a new type of composite material pipe using the unsaturated polyester resin as matrix and glass fiber fabric as reinforcement material. It is produced through controlling the winding or pultrusion process. It overcomes the shortages of steel, iron, PVC, PE, concrete and asbestos pipes, so it can be served as a new replacement product.



1. Smooth inner surface and small friction coefficient. Easy cable leading without cable damage. 

2. Good heat resistance and the strength at low temperature are higher than that at the normal temperature. 

3.  Good insulation and chemical resistance. No rust, over 50- year service life.


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