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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Drainage. Sewage series

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Hard polyvinyl chloride(PVC-U) reinforced pipe


Products: Drainage. Sewage series

Product Type: WLPS-3


Reinforced PVC-U pipe is a kind of new pipe using the foreign advanced formula. Through the continuous injection molding by the unique process equipment, the inner wall is smooth and the outer wall has the vertical stiffener, which is mainly used in soil waste and drainage systems. As the outer wall adopts I-shaped steel principle, the reinforced PVC-U pipe has the distinct performance advantages, and gradually replaces the traditional cement pipes and other PVC-U pipes in the series of sewage, and thus it is becoming one of the world's most advanced underground drainage, sewage pipes...
Product Details

Reinforced PVC-U pipe is a kind of new pipe using the foreign advanced formula. Through the continuous injection molding by the unique process equipment, the inner wall is smooth and the outer wall has the vertical stiffener, which is mainly used in soil waste and drainage systems. As the outer wall adopts I-shaped steel principle, the reinforced PVC-U pipe has the distinct performance advantages, and gradually replaces the traditional cement pipes and other PVC-U pipes in the series of sewage, and thus it is becoming one of the world's most advanced underground drainage, sewage pipes.



1. New material and sound structure design. Have high strength and good physical and mechanical properties.

2. Smooth inner surface, small fluid resistance, big circulation, be not easy to foul, relatively smaller diameter and construction workload under the same flow conditions.

3. Resistance to uneven settlement and long service life. 

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