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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Drainage. Sewage series

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New steel reinforced PE helix corrugated pipe (G-MRP)


Products: Drainage. Sewage series

Product Type: WLPS-2


New steel reinforced PE helix corrugated tube (G-MRP) is an excellent energy saving materials, in line with the world's "energy conservation", "recycling economy", "low-carbon economy," the trend of new drainage, sewerage municipal pipelines. The pipeline electrothermal fuse or rubber ring socket connection, safe, reliable, efficient and effective construction ...
Product Details
product manual
New steel reinforced PE helix corrugated tube (G-MRP) is an excellent energy saving materials, in line with the world's "energy conservation", "recycling economy", "low-carbon economy," the trend of new drainage, sewerage municipal pipelines. The pipeline electrothermal fuse or rubber ring socket connection, safe, reliable, efficient and effective construction guarantees zero leakage pipeline system, while closed production technology pipeline interface to avoid the external environment of the piping system corrosion and wear, be sure to use long life.
Product Features
▼ unique structure, high ring stiffness, resistance to external pressure and impact resistance capacity
▼ galvanized steel and high performance bonding technology to ensure product excellent corrosion resistance
▼ heating wire or rubber ring socket connection construction is simple, convenient, good sealing and can achieve 100% no leakage
▼ light weight, quick construction, low installation costs, low cost integrated engineering
▼ G-MRP pipe airtight seal technology, can effectively extend the life of the pipeline, buried guaranteed service life of 50 years
▼ toxic pollution, no scaling is not long moss, green highlight
▼ wide temperature range, -45 ℃ ~ 60 ℃
▼ uneven settlement has good resistance properties, G-MRP conduit pipe structure can enhance the load resistance of the soil to facilitate the laying of continuous uneven ground
▼ excellent wear resistance, smooth inner wall, low friction damping, good liquidity drain
▼ Connection: using hot melt or fused connection socket connection socket rubber ring
Product Applications
Widely used in municipal engineering drainage, sewerage works; public road drainage works; water conservancy project in particular a longer service life of key projects and the like.
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