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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Drainage. Sewage series

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High-strength polypropylene (PP-HM) double-wall corrugated pipe


Products: Drainage. Sewage series

Product Type: WLPS-4


It is a kind of new light pipe through extrusion from inside and outside respectively by one-time molding, using the high density polypropylene as the main raw material. It features smooth inner surface, corrugated outer wall, and hollow structure in between. This unique structure makes this pipe to have the high ring stiffness, light weight, pressure resistance, high tenacity and corrosion resistance etc., which can be laid in areas with poor geological conditions, and have the good tightness and quick construction... 
Product Details

It is a kind of new light pipe through extrusion from inside and outside respectively by one-time molding, using the high density polypropylene as the main raw material. It features smooth inner surface, corrugated outer wall, and hollow structure in between. This unique structure makes this pipe to have the high ring stiffness, light weight, pressure resistance, high tenacity and corrosion resistance etc., which can be laid in areas with poor geological conditions, and have the good tightness and quick construction.



1. Smooth inner surface and large water delivery ability. Easy connection, good tightness. Corrosion resistant and zero leakage. No fouling and second contamination. Ideal “green pipe”.

2.  Small fluid resistance, big circulation and be not easy to foul. Relatively smaller diameter and construction workload under the same flow condition.

3.  Light in weight, convenient construction, low construction cost, short construction period, low operation cost and long service life.

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