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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Drainage. Sewage series

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High-strength polypropylene (PP) thermal winding structure wall pipe


Products: Drainage. Sewage series

Product Type: WLPS-5


High-strength polypropylene (PP) thermal winding structure is the use of large-diameter pipe wall thermal winding structure wall pipe production line equipment with the world advanced level, the use of special polypropylene (PP) compounding resin production, reinforcing strip is wound on the outer pipe ( thicker reinforcing skeleton tube) made using hot winding production with fused with ...
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product manual
High-strength polypropylene (PP) thermal winding structure is the use of large-diameter pipe wall thermal winding structure wall pipe production line equipment with the world advanced level, the use of special polypropylene (PP) compounding resin production, reinforcing strip is wound on the outer pipe ( thicker reinforcing skeleton tube) made using hot filament winding process to produce hot winding structure wall pipeline with large diameter high strength polypropylene PP fused with the pick of the socket (PP). Pipe processing purchase with the sectional structure of production technology imports of raw materials and optimized design of the rear, increasing the radial strength and rigidity to the ring conduit to ensure that the large-caliber products can bear the pressure of the soil and traffic loads.

Product Features

▼ Product has good rigidity and strength, also has good flexibility and creep resistance.

▼ Product corrosion resistance and service life is about 100 years. High seam quality melt pipe. 

▼ No internal stress and improve the overall capacity of resistance to external pressure.

▼ Product is a high-toughness pipe, tube foundation uneven settlement and dislocation ability to adapt is very strong, good shock resistance

▼ Product wall is smooth, without fouling.

▼ Product ring flexible, before damaged can be greatly deformed.

▼ sealing products, to achieve zero leakage

▼ Stress cracking resistance and good wear resistance, excellent resistance to scratches and resistance to rapid crack transmission, and excellent high temperature performance, up to about 95 ℃

▼ Connection: The socket embedded in the electric fuse of the same material fused socket connection technology, high quality connection

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