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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Drainage. Sewage series

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Polyethylene ( PE) wall pipe with winding structure Type B


Products: Drainage. Sewage series

Product Type: WLPS-6


High density polyethylene winding reinforcement pipe represents a new type of pipe. It is the special-shaped structure wall pipe produced by the winding technology, which features smooth inner surface, outer spiral reinforcing ribs and O-shaped spiral rib section, thus it belongs to the flexible pipe. By using high density polyethylene as the raw material, it is produced through the winding molding process in the melt state, and before the hot state does not mold, the pipe cools through rolling wind way and gradually abstracts heat to have the uniform wall thickness. Advanced production technology, a variety of indicators used in the buried conditions, pipeline connection methods are also the advanced examples of the drainage pipeline construction at present. The pipe structure, physical and chemical indicators of the materials are all above other types of pipes, so it represents the direction of future pipe developments... 
Product Details

High density polyethylene winding reinforcement pipe represents a new type of pipe. It is the special-shaped structure wall pipe produced by the winding technology, which features smooth inner surface, outer spiral reinforcing ribs and O-shaped spiral rib section, thus it belongs to the flexible pipe. By using high density polyethylene as the raw material, it is produced through the winding molding process in the melt state, and before the hot state does not mold, the pipe cools through rolling wind way and gradually abstracts heat to have the uniform wall thickness. Advanced production technology, a variety of indicators used in the buried conditions, pipeline connection methods are also the advanced examples of the drainage pipeline construction at present. The pipe structure, physical and chemical indicators of the materials are all above other types of pipes, so it represents the direction of future pipe developments.



1. Excellent physical performance: good stiffness, strength, flexibility, creep-resistance; excellent hot melt connecting performance, be easy to the plastic pipe installation.

2. Long service life: corrosion resistance, aging resistant and50-year service life. 

3. Large flow capacity, excellent installation performance, good tightness, zero leakage, good wear resistance and environmental friendly.

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