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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



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Shanghai Huangpu River raw water upstream Bong Min Extension Project

Shanghai Huangpu River raw water upstream Bong Min Extension Project

The rapid development of water diversion, water delivery, drainage, water storage project required quality and jacking construction of large-diameter pipes.

Very Long Group has insight into the international development trend, the general direction of the national water development. It committed to the non-excavation of large diameter pipes development and innovation over the years, and made domestic initiative without excavation jacking the laying of large diameter, large diameter prestressed concrete cylinder pipe jacking (JPCCP) scientific and technological innovation, product specifications covering DN800-4000mm, which has environmentally friendly, energy saving, easy to install, short construction period, long service life, and lower total cost characteristics.

Shanghai VeryLong Tube Co. Ltd. and Shanghai City to vote Eaux, Shanghai Municipal Design and Research Institute, Shanghai Jiangong Group based engineering company, Tongji University and Wuxi Huayi Pipeline Co. Ltd collaborated on the application technology JPCCP tube, made many invention patents and utility model patents, and has been successfully applied to the Shanghai Key water supply project - Huangpu River raw water upstream Bong Min Extension Project, has successfully throughed the inner and outer sealing pressure and seepage and other indicators and reached or exceeded the design requirements .

Today, JPCCP plays an increasingly important role in the long-distance pipelines and urban water supply and drainage construction. It also represents the non-excavation of large diameter pipe applications into a new stage of development. The product displays a broad market prospect.


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