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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Classic Case

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Shanghai secondary water supply facilities renovation project

With the continuous improvement of living conditions, health and safety requirements of drinking water for the residents showed a higher demand, and clean drinking water has become a very urgent requirement. The residential water tank (pool), as the last part of the water supply (the last 100 meters), is the most direct factors that affect water quality. Therefore, the secondary water supply facilities reconstruction problem becomes a problem that people pay close attention to it ,and also receives attention from highly CPC Central Committee, State Council and the Party committees, government attention, which become an important part Thirteen Five planning.

Taking the people’s livelihood in mind, VeryLong creates the pioneering business model “one-stop operation and incorporate service”, with innovative livelihood products and first-rate service to contribute to the society. For the research of tank (pool) reformation, VeryLong cooperated with the well-known domestic water treatment experts, Shanghai famous research institutions, Design Institute, the construction sector, the water sector and industry associations to conduct a comprehensive planning design, innovation and invented new technologies and processes about WL combined polyethylene tanks (pool) liner, and achieved a number of invention patents and utility model patents. WL combined polyethylene tanks (pool) liner material having many advantages,  such as, a safety and environmental protection, long life, solid structure, short construction period, construction noiseless and dust-free, and easy maintenance and repair, maintenance, low cost etc. Through the successful implementation of demonstration projects, it quickly got the promotion and application in over large areas of Baoshan District of Shanghai, Huangpu District, Pudong New District, Yangpu District, Zhabei District, Qingpu District, and other expansion renovation project.  At last, it received good reputations from publics. Many residents Representative went to VeryLong’s headquarters to present a banner to VeryLong. And local governments and users went to demonstration project site to visit and study. 

A grand project in the reconstruction of the secondary water supply facilities has begun, and Shanghai VeryLong Company, taking the homology with the party's policy, the synchronized with municipal water planning as aim, sums up experience. We will continue to strengthen project management measures, modify and perfect the technical specifications and standards, to further improve the quality of engineering, for more Shanghai citizens on clean water.

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