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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Classic Case

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Shanghai Disney World

Shanghai Disney project is a Sino-US joint investment of over 10 billion RMB. Thisproject is well-known for its high quality standards and strict acceptance criteria, which is very rare in the construction industry.

Through a series of review, selection and bidding, Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd obtained the exclusive rights of the pressure pipe (PE pipe and wire mesh frame tube) . Our company takes advantage of good products, strong technical abilities and systematic services to get the full recognition from the project owners, contractors and inspectors, and to become the top pipe supplier in irrigation, water drainage, electrical, telecommunication fields as well. Pipes of this project are non-standard products, so the construction difficulty is very big, the line and terrain is complex and perplexing, but in the high temperature of 40 degrees Celsius our staff overcame lots of the difficulties, and finally successfully completed the project ahead of schedule, which was rewarded by the owners and produced a number of technology patents.

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