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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Water-saving irrigation series

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LDPE sprinkler pipe


Products: water-saving irrigation series

Product Type: WLGG-1


PE hose is odorless and non-toxic, and resistant to acid and alkali, whose fluid resistance is small. The coiling, installation, use and recovery are simple and convenient, and they can be used repeatedly. PE hose is suitable for conveying the water whose temperature is not exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, so as to be used for agricultural water saving irrigation and greening irrigation... 
Product Details

PE hose is odorless and non-toxic, and resistant to acid and alkali, whose fluid resistance is small. The coiling, installation, use and recovery are simple and convenient, and they can be used repeatedly. PE hose is suitable for conveying the water whose temperature is not exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, so as to be used for agricultural water saving irrigation and greening irrigation.



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