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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Secondary water supply reconstruction series

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Anti-UV polymer alloy material protection sleeve


Products: Secondary water supply reconstruction series

Product Type: customized


Anti-UV polymer alloy protection tube is a national initiative, leading technology, reasonable structure, flexible configuration, easy to install, easy to maintain, is the transformation of secondary water supply facilities in another major breakthrough in technological innovation, and produce more invention patents and utility model patents ...
Product Details

With the continuous improvement of living conditions, health and safety requirements of drinking water for the residents showed a higher demand, and clean drinking water has become a very urgent requirement. The residential water tank (pool), as the last part of the water supply (the last 100 meters), is the most direct factors that affect water quality. Therefore, the secondary water supply facilities reconstruction problem becomes a problem that people pay close attention to it ,and also receives attention from highly CPC Central Committee, State Council and the Party committees, government attention, which become an important part Thirteen Five planning. In addition to solving the water problem, it pays more attention to the safety of the pipeline.

In the reformation of secondary water supply facilities of tank and pool, with taking people's livelihood first, closely catching the international strategic plan, VeryLong innovated and invented the technology of lining the concrete tanks and pool with polyethylene liner which received many invention patents and utility models patent. It quickly got the promotion and application in over large areas of Shanghai, and then received a high degree of praises from publics. 

Another challenge is the transformation of secondary water supply facilities in the pipeline protection. Pipeline corrosion, caused by the poor aging leakage protection, would affect water quality. To solve this problem, VeryLong organized a team of experts, through school-enterprise cooperation, research and public relations, and invented the Anti-UV polymer alloy protective sleeve. After the successful demonstration of a plurality of demonstration applications,it received  the praises from users and residents, and now it is applied in multiple zone in Qingpu District. This product is a national initiative, leading technology, reasonable structure, flexible configuration, easy to install, easy to maintain, which is the transformation of secondary water supply facilities in another major breakthrough in technological innovation, and produced a number of invention patents and utility model patents. Products, detected by a number of authorities of Shanghai, its mechanical properties, flame retardant properties, corrosion resistance and anti-aging weathering performance indicators meet or exceed the indicators.

This product is not only used the reconstruction of secondary water supply facilities, but also can be used in the restoration and improvement of old houses with cable consolidation; even some other fields, such as, new residential strength of electrical bridge system, new or modified chemical industry, power plants, sewage treatment plants and other corrosion-resistant and strong weak bridge system; a power system and a table reconstruction project to repair power cables protection; high-speed rail, subway, city pipe Gallery in areas, such as anti-static, anti-corrosion, fire-retardant bridge, the strength of electrical systems.

Promoting the urban construction and pipe gallery sponge urban construction are grear constriction of Thirteen Five national planning and the construction of large and complex urban underground pipe gallery, underground pipelines and higher requirements for pipeline protection, have a high demand, which is a good business opportunity and new challenge for VeryLong. VeryLong business development strategies are: keeping pace with product innovation and technology innovation, and taking service for the people and contributing to society as their own responsibilities. VeryLong will provide more beautiful pipeline protection products and more quality services to capture the market, for the benefit of the people, to achieve the goals and ideals that make people's lives better。 

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