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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Classic Case

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Shanghai Pudong International Airport

Shanghai Pudong International Airport covers an area of 40 square kilometers, whose daily average taking off and landing vehicles are 1000 flights, whose flights cover more than 100 international cities and more than 80 domestic cities.

As Pudong International Airport has the big use of rainwater and sewage pipes, power cable protection pipes, SVL Pipe Co. Ltd won the bid of many rainwater and sewage pipelines, power cable protection pipelines at Pudong International Airport construction& expansion projects. Our company successfully supplied HDPE high density polyethylene double wall corrugated pipes, spiral pipes, HDPE steel strip reinforced pipes, FRP cable protection pipes, which strongly cooperated and guaranteed the construction of Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

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