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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Large-diameter water supply and drainage series

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Prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP)


Products: Water supply & drainage

Product Type: WLJPS-1


PCCP pipe is widely recognized as the ideal pipeline material currently in the world, and it is widely used as the high-quality and environment-friendly composite pipes with the large diameter and high pressure. It is made up of the concrete tube core with steel cylinder, prestressed high strength steel wire outside the tube core, and the cement mortar protection layer outside the high strength steel wire, which comprehensively plays the role of steel tensile resistance, tightness and the concrete compressive strength, corrosion resistance, and the advantages to resist leakage, crack, pressure, abrasion, and corrosion by combination as well, so it is the high-quality composite environment-friendly pipe of metal and non-metal nowadays... 
Product Details

PCCP pipe is widely recognized as the ideal pipeline material currently in the world, and it is widely used as the high-quality and environment-friendly composite pipes with the large diameter and high pressure. It is made up of the concrete tube core with steel cylinder, prestressed high strength steel wire outside the tube core, and the cement mortar protection layer outside the high strength steel wire, which comprehensively plays the role of steel tensile resistance, tightness and the concrete compressive strength, corrosion resistance, and the advantages to resist leakage, crack, pressure, abrasion, and corrosion by combination as well, so it is the high-quality composite environment-friendly pipe of metal and non-metal nowadays.



1. Metal saving, low energy consumption, low comprehensive and maintenance cost, convenient installation, high construction efficiency and low labor intensity.

2. The cement core is made through centrifugal molding with smooth inner surface, good delivery ability, stable water quality and resistance to vibration and crack.

3. Strong corrosion resistance, safe and reliable pipeline operation.


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