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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Gas Series

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Polyethylene (PE)gas pipe


Products: Gas Series

Product Type: WLRQ-1


PE gas pipe is produced by the special gas polyethylene, with the characteristics of good flexibility, strong corrosion resistance, light weight, excellent impact resistance etc. The pipeline system uses the butt fusion and fused connections to melt the pipe and the pipe fittings into one, so the system is safe and reliable, the construction cost is low, which can have the rapid development in the practical application. The promotion of PE gas safe pipeline not only complies with the guidelines of the national Ministry of construction and the State Economic and Trade Commission to develop the chemical building materials, but also complies with the development needs to improve people's living standards... 
Product Details

PE gas pipe is produced by the special gas polyethylene, with the characteristics of good flexibility, strong corrosion resistance, light weight, excellent impact resistance etc. The pipeline system uses the butt fusion and fused connections to melt the pipe and the pipe fittings into one, so the system is safe and reliable, the construction cost is low, which can have the rapid development in the practical application. The promotion of PE gas safe pipeline not only complies with the guidelines of the national Ministry of construction and the State Economic and Trade Commission to develop the chemical building materials, but also complies with the development needs to improve people's living standards.



1. Long service life, strong resistance to penetration and corrosion resistance.

2. Excellent abrasion resistance, good flexibility, high impact resistance and resistance to strong vibration and distortion.

3. Light in weight, convenient transportation and installation, simple welding process, convenient construction and low comprehensive cost.

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