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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Gas Series

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Steel mesh skeleton plastic for gas


Products: Gas Series

Product Type: WLRQ-2


Steel mesh skeleton gas pipe adopts the high-quality materials and advanced production technology, so that it has the higher voltage performance. At the same time, the composite pipe has the excellent flexibility, so it is suitable for long-distance underground water supply, gas transmission pipeline system. Steel mesh skeleton plastic(polyethylene) compound pipe is a polyethylene electro-fusion pipe. While connecting, use the internal heat substance to melt the outer plastic and inner plastic of the pipe, so as to connect the pipe and pipe fittings together reliably... 
Product Details

Steel mesh skeleton gas pipe adopts the high-quality materials and advanced production technology, so that it has the higher voltage performance. At the same time, the composite pipe has the excellent flexibility, so it is suitable for long-distance underground water supply, gas transmission pipeline system. Steel mesh skeleton plastic(polyethylene) compound pipe is a polyethylene electro-fusion pipe. While connecting, use the internal heat substance to melt the outer plastic and inner plastic of the pipe, so as to connect the pipe and pipe fittings together reliably.




1. High lasting mechanical strength, good heat resistance, stiffness, impact resistance, and dimensional stability, flexibility. 

2. Corrosion resistance on both sides. Low heat expansion coefficient. No rapid crack. Reliable combination of steel and plastics materials. 

prev:Polyethylene (PE)gas pipe... next:Stainless steel tube for gas constr...
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