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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Drainage. Sewage series

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Steel reinforced polyethylene spiral corrugated pipe


Products: Drainage. Sewage series

Product Type: WLPS-1


Steel strip reinforced pipe is a composite structure wall pipe of HDPE with steel melt, which contains three layers. The inner layer is composed of a continuous solid wall, and outside the inner layer winds the converse U-shaped steel strip reinforcement. There is HDPE outer layer same with the steel reinforced waveform outside the coated wavy steel band reinforcement. The pipe features the model structure and the reasonable scientific forming process... 
Product Details

Steel strip reinforced pipe is a composite structure wall pipe of HDPE with steel melt, which contains three layers. The inner layer is composed of a continuous solid wall, and outside the inner layer winds the converse U-shaped steel strip reinforcement. There is HDPE outer layer same with the steel reinforced  waveform outside the coated wavy steel band reinforcement. The pipe features the model structure and the reasonable scientific forming process.



1Excellent ring stiffness and flexibility.

2. Using PE material in inner and outer layers. Resistant to chemical corrosion and be not affected by acid, alkali, salt corrosion.

3. Reliable sealing, not easy to leak, strong aging resistance, long service life.

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