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Shanghai VeryLong Pipe Co. Ltd

Shanghai Putuo District Jiaozhou Road

Building 941 long-22F



Water supply. Water reclamation. Fire fighting series

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Polyethylene(PE)water supply pipe


Products: Water supply & fire fighting

Product Type: WLJS-1


With polyethylene resin as the main raw material, polyethylene (PE) pipe is the polyethylene pipes for water supply via extrusion molding. The pipe has a variety of construction technology. In addition to the traditional way of excavation construction, it can also use a variety of non-excavation techniques, such as the directional drilling, lining, bursting, jacking methods, which is the only choice for some sites not allowed to have the excavation...
Product Details

With polyethylene resin as the main raw material, polyethylene (PE) pipe is the polyethylene pipes for water supply via extrusion molding. The pipe has a variety of construction technology. In addition to the traditional way of excavation construction, it can also use a variety of non-excavation techniques, such as the directional drilling, lining, bursting, jacking methods, which is the only choice for some sites not allowed to have the excavation.



Performance characteristics

1. High strength, good toughness, good weather resistance and excellent thermal stability.

2. Acid and alkali corrosion resistance, simple installation and construction, and service life is 50 years or above.

3. This product only contains two elements that is carbon and hydrogen, thus it is harmless to the human beings.

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